Top 10 Signs That Your Dog Is Sick and Needs Medical Attention

You and your family love your pets. They’re part of the family, after all! So if you see that your dog isn’t doing well or appears to be sick, you want to take care of it right away, just like you would one of your human family members. But how do you know when it’s really time to call the vet? If your dog exhibits any of the following signs, it could be time for medical attention.

1) Vomiting

If your dog is vomiting, it could be a sign of a serious illness. If your dog has been vomiting for more than one day or if the vomit contains blood, contact your vet for an appointment.
If your dog has been vomiting for more than one day or if the vomit contains blood, contact your vet for an appointment.

2) No appetite

If your dog’s appetite has decreased, it may be a sign that they’re not feeling well. If this is the case, you should take them to the vet as soon as possible. You can also try feeding them small amounts of wet food mixed with a little water, or get them to eat moistened kibble by adding warm water and chicken broth. Sudden changes in behavior: If your pup seems anxious or agitated without any reason, they might have an infection or an underlying health condition such as arthritis. Unexplained weight loss: One of the most obvious signs of illness in dogs is when they experience sudden weight loss.

3) Lethargic

Many people often overlook the lethargic sign of a dog’s sickness. Dogs can be very good at hiding their pain, but it will show if they are not feeling well. If your dog has been sleeping more than usual or not playing as much, take them to the vet to have them checked out.

4) Constipation

Excessive, hard, or dry stools can be a sign of constipation. If your dog is not defecating for more than three days, it may be constipated. Constipation can also be caused by eating too many dry kibble or canned food that does not contain enough fiber. Another cause of constipation is when your dog is not drinking enough water.

5) Diarrhea

The most common symptom of diarrhea is frequent, watery bowel movements. The stool contains a lot of liquid because the intestines are not absorbing water properly. This can lead to dehydration, which can be life-threatening in extreme cases. Dogs with diarrhea may also have stomach pain, weight loss, gas, bloating and vomiting.

6) Bad breath

One sign of illness in dogs is bad breath. As strange as it sounds, bad breath can be a result of a yeast infection in the dog’s mouth or diet. If your dog has foul smelling breath and is also vomiting or has diarrhea, these are signs that your dog may have parvovirus. Parvovirus is an intestinal virus that causes severe vomiting and diarrhea, weight loss, lethargy, fever, depression, and blood in the stool.

7) Swollen paws/legs

If your dog has swollen paws or legs, it can be a sign of many different illnesses. This could be due to an allergic reaction to something he’s eaten, a type of cancer called hemangiosarcoma, or an infection. You’ll want to take your pup to the vet for an examination as soon as possible.

8) Belly Pain/Tenderness

If you notice that your dog is experiencing some form of pain or tenderness in the abdomen, this could be an indication that they are sick. For example, if they are refusing to eat or drink and have diarrhea, this might be a sign that they have a parasite. If your dog is vomiting constantly, this can also indicate a problem with the digestive tract. If your dog has dark urine as well as some other symptoms like lethargy or fever, it could be a sign of kidney disease.

9) Loss of Appetite (2nd time around!)

One of the first warning signs that your dog may be sick is a loss of appetite. You may find yourself asking, Where’s his food? if he suddenly stops eating. It could be a sign that he has an upset stomach or something more serious like cancer, so it’s important to get him checked out by a vet right away.

10) Mucous in stool

Sometimes, it is difficult to know if your dog is sick. However, there are a few signs that should be a red flag. One of the most common symptoms is mucous in the stool. If this symptom appears, consult with your veterinarian. Keep an eye on your dog’s behavior for other warning signs such as loss of appetite or weight, lethargy, vomiting or diarrhea. The sooner you address these problems with medical care the better off your pup will be!

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